Worship & Music

Worship Service begins at 10:00 am

Worship is at the heart of everything we do at Wesley United Church. We believe that God is present in our midst at all times and that worshipping God is at the very core of what it means to be human. While our Sunday morning service is called a “worship service”, we encourage individuals to see their whole lives as a service of worship and we encourage all of our groups to approach each meeting or activity as an opportunity to worship God.

Opportunities to worship here at Wesley are varied and vibrant. Our Sunday services offer a blend of contemporary and traditional elements that we hope will appeal to all ages. Small groups provide opportunities to explore God’s presence in different ways. Our Youth and Children’s ministries provide age-appropriate opportunities to learn about God and develop relationships with God and others. Men’s and Women’s groups also offer opportunities to worship through service and study. We hope that you will join us in worship and find your soul nurtured.

Communion is celebrated periodically throughout the year, and is open to anyone wishing to participate. Jesus would not have turned anyone away and neither will we.

What Happens On Sunday?

Here at Wesley the minister and the congregation shape the Sunday service. The following is a guideline to worship at Wesley:

• Our regular Sunday Worship Service is at 10 am and is usually about an hour long.

•  Like a theatre program, the order of service tells you what will happen during the service.

• It is the custom to have children stay with their parents for the first part of the service and then, following the Children’s Ministry, go to another room with a volunteer teacher for Sunday School. Wesley’s programs are varied. Please see the events page.

• For new parents, we have nursery facilities with a caregiver, but if you want to cradle your baby or toddler throughout the service, people understand that crying and squirming are part of their small lives and are quite acceptable during the service.

• There will be some readings, normally from the Bible, but often from other contemporary sources.

• We love to sing. Music and words are provided in the order of service as well as on the screen at the left of the sanctuary or if you prefer in the hymn book in the pew.

• The minister will give a sermon or meditation, which is a reflection or commentary on the services readings, current events, or life in general.

• There are several times for prayer during the service. Some of these will be given by the minister, and others by a member of the congregation. As in most United Churches, at Wesley we usually stay seated to pray rather than kneel.

• Communion is served numerous times a year, but not every Sunday. Participation is open to all people attending the service, but it is not mandatory.

• An offering of money is collected to support the work of the church. There is no set amount; people give as they are able. This supports our congregation (maintaining the building, providing programs, paying staff), and also the work of the church around the world through the national Mission and Service Fund.

• At the end of the service, people often gather for refreshments and conversation. It’s there for everyone and you don’t have to be a member to join in.

The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through music.”

—Martin Luther


Although we often find wisdom within the written word of God, this is not the only medium through which the living word of God touches our spirits. Often music can stir the soul. Whether it is through the poetry of the words or the flight of the composition, music can often convey to us the joy and tears of God.

At Wesley we believe that music is one of the foundations of worship.

On Sunday, May 22, 2022, we welcomed our new Music Director, Mr. George Cleland.

George believes in supporting worship with his music. In combination with the electric keyboard, the organ, piano, and violin, George is able to provide Wesley United Church with a wide variety of music.

Here at Wesley we believe in a blended worship service in order to touch the lives of the wide variety of people who call Wesley their home. Sometimes it is contemporary, sometimes traditional. Sometimes we jump with the children, sometimes we are moved by the classics. We are proud of our long and strong tradition of good music at Wesley and would love to share it with you. Or even better still, have you come and join us in praising God with voice and heart.

Click here to read George Cleland’s bio.