New To Niagara?
If you’re new to Welland, or just looking for a new church home, we invite you to come and get to know us.
We think you’ll like what you hear, and what you see. We have a lot to offer.
United Church faith communities welcome people from all backgrounds and orientations—wherever you are in your faith journey.
Jesus would not have turned anyone away and neither will we.
Opportunities to worship here at Wesley are varied and vibrant.
Our Sunday services offer a blend of contemporary and traditional elements that we hope will appeal to all ages. Small groups provide opportunities to explore God’s presence in different ways. Our Youth and Children’s ministries provide age-appropriate opportunities to learn about God and develop relationships with God and others. Men’s and Women’s groups also offer opportunities to worship through service and study.
Communion is celebrated periodically throughout the year, and is open to anyone wishing to participate.
We hope that you will join us in worship and find your soul nurtured.