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News & Events
The happy gang was at the church this morning prepping food for tomorrow’s Harvest Kitchen dinner hosted by Wesley and held at Central.
Our Promise of Love Service
Dec. 22, 2024
Harvest Kitchen – Dec. 1
There was a great group of Wesley volunteers at last weekend’s Harvest Kitchen. We worked Saturday morning with prep work here at Wesley and Sunday we cooked and served the meal at Central United. Our “guests” were thrilled to be having a roast beef dinner and were very appreciative. Our next Harvest Kitchen dinner at Central will happen on Sunday, Jan. 5 with pre work at Wesley on Saturday, Jan. 4. If you’d like to get involved, please sign the Volunteer Sheet in the Narthex and indicate what day and month you would like to help. The dinners take place the first Sunday in January, February and March.
– Past, Present & Upcoming
Harvest Kitchen – Jan. 5, 2025
Clockwise from below, vocalist Dianne Ticknor; Simon Hauber and Malcolm Hauber; and, left, church member Doug Willford.
Christmas Eve candlelight service
Please join us at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 24 for our Christmas Eve candlelight service featuring the music of violist Zack Guo and performances by Linda Moore, Doug Wilford and the Busalpa family singers.
Mitten Tree
Thank you all so very much for your wonderful donations of hats, scarves, mittens, slippers, socks, etc. in all shapes and sizes and in so many beautiful colours. The many toys and gift cards were so terrific as well! Birchway Niagara was very appreciative of your wonderful gifts.
Christmas Cards for Wesley!
As you may give a Christmas gift to a member of your family, you may want to give a “gift” to your Wesley Church Family. You may enclose a monetary gift in a card and send or bring it to the Church with your name or PAR or envelope number on the envelope. The cards will be placed on the Christmas tree in the foyer.