Oct. 17, 2023

Call to Order: 7:00 pm
Present: Bev Cutler, Marilyn Daniels, Del Fraipont, Shelley Gault, Hugh Graham, Betty Lane, Auriol Rapin, Wendy Reed, Joan Simpson, Carol Sernasie, Rev. Lennox Scarlett , Tom Wilkinson, Doug Willford, Kathy Young
Regrets: Dave Reed, Shawn McCart
Welcome/Opening: Joan welcomed everyone.
Opening Prayer: Prayer by Rev. Lennox
Approval of Agenda, as amended:
It was agreed that Betty Lane’s “Board of Trustees” report be moved up in the agenda.
Moved by: Hugh Graham Seconded by: Shelley Gault
Carried: yes
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting – Sept. 19
Correction from Heather (M&P):
Ministry & Personnel:

Nothing to Report
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting – June 20
Moved by: Doug Willford Seconded by: Shelley Gault
Carried: yes
Board of Trustees:
Our Archivist Sybil Marsh, along with some friends has been making slow but profitable inroads into the saving & sorting of archival documents & records which need to be protected and preserved for both historical and legal reasons. Not all records fall into this category. A number of recommendations will be brought forth to Council concerning the possibility of an offsite storing system, with access as needed. More information and data are currently being gathered in this regard. – Betty Lane

Motion(s) Arising from Report: That the Church Council make time on the agenda at their next meeting to discuss a proposal about church records and that Sybil Marsh be invited to that meeting for her input.
Moved by: Betty Lane Seconded by: Kathy Young
Carried yes
Item 1
September 18, 2023
To members of the Church Council of Wesley United Church, Welland.
On this date Elinor Doyle (Treasurer at Pelham Community Church) and Jeff Garner completed an Independent Review (not an audit) of the financial records of Wesley United Church, Welland for the financial year 2022. The purpose of the review was to determine the accuracy of the financial statements. For the review we randomly selected cheques, invoices, receipts, and payroll transactions.
For the review we did the following:
• Insured that at least two unrelated people signed cheques and or approved transactions.
• Examined the meetings of the governing body.
• Examined the books that record cash receipts, cash disbursements, payroll, and general ledger transactions for accuracy.
• Reviewed year end bank reconciliations.
• Reviewed documentation of funds for the Mission & Service Fund.
• Reviewed procedures used for keeping records.
• Ensured cash receipts matched the charitable donation issued.
• Ensured the annual information return was completed and submitted to the governmental authorities.
Based on our review we are satisfied the books and records are accurate.
We also would like to make the following recommendations:
• Update QuickBooks to a current version.
• Reconcile all bank accounts at year end.
• Record all transactions on a cash basis.
Respectfully submitted by:
Jeff Garner Treasurer Dave Reed has indicated this will be reviewed at our Finance meeting in November and discussed at the November Church Council meeting. The letter was received for information.
Item 2
Del received a query from George Cleland, member of the Peninsula Orchestra, asking to use several rooms in the church next July 15 – 19, 2024, 6-9 pm . Orchestra wants to practice Monday-Thursday for 3 hours (6-9 pm) and present a concert Friday – 6-9 in the sanctuary.
No concerns were expressed. Del will contact George with approval. Rental income is approximately $300.
Committee Reports:
(Attached to emails sent Friday, Oct. 13 and with the agenda on Monday, Oct 16. They will also be uploaded to the Council section of the website at https://www.wesleyunitedchurch.org/report/)
Christian Development:
No report. Bev will have a meeting after church this Sunday, October 22.. Lennox will attend the meeting. Antonette Scarlett and Glen Moore have shown interest in being part of the committee.
Dave Reed is unable to attend due to health reasons. His comments:
• Any Suggestion Box suggestions for Finance will be discussed at our next finance meeting.
• Preparing the 2024 Budget is the most important agenda item.
• This year’s budget (2023) will be distributed separately.
• The Treasurer’s Report and other financial reports will be distributed when completed.
Marilyn announced that waffles are not a big money maker for the time and cost involved. Our next fundraiser is the sale of Poinsettias. Trivia Night will be our biggest fundraiser. We need donations for silent auction items.
Membership & Outreach:
Wendy reported there will be a Guest Book for new members to sign so we can welcome them. We’re looking for people to oversee the book.
A stained-glass Magnolia to commemorate Jane Jackson’s long time church involvement will be hung in the front entrance facing the Memorial Garden. Kathy Young will organize a dedication ceremony for her family and will contact Del for placement of the stained glass.
Ministry & Personnel:
Auriol reported the committee is working on salary reviews for the budget.
Nothing to report.
Hugh said the committee is looking for members for various committees
No report. Del said the church is awaiting our snow contract quotes from Bernier.
Flooding lower-level July 2023.- Our Toronto contact from the Insurance carrier through the UCC has been very slow to reply. Del will contact our regional UCC for assistance.
Worship & Music:
Currently our committee is looking for council approval to hire an audio technician from Niagara College at the rate of $28 per hour (gross) for three hours per week. This technician would be responsible for making sure the sound system is working properly, addressing inadequacies in the sound system, training congregation members to assist in sound and in video streaming.
Motion(s) Arising from Report: That council approves the hiring of an audio technician at the rate of $28 per hour for three hours per week, to manage the sound system, identify inadequacies, be responsible for training congregation members on using the equipment and doing any live streaming going on from the service.
There was considerable discussion and it was decided the motion be amended to offer the position for 6 months only. Tom will contact a member of Central United Church who may be able to come in to check our system.
Amended Motion(s) Arising from Report: That council approves the hiring of an audio technician at the rate of $28 per hour for three hours per week, to manage the sound system, identify inadequacies, be responsible for training congregation members on using the equipment and doing any live streaming going on from the service. This position would be for 6 months.
Moved by: Tom Wilkinson Seconded by: Kathy Young
Carried yes
Treasurer’s Report:
See prior attachments.
Regional Council Representative:
Doug and Lennox will take the lead on organizing an information session for the congregation to understand the Autonomous National Indigenous Organization vote.
Men’s Group:
No discussion
Women of Wesley:
No discussion
Minister’s Report:
• Suggestion box is posted and suggestions are coming in. People would like to have more participation from the congregation. Possibilities are: reading the land acknowledgement, lighting of the candle, announcements
• Each committee could take the lead on different Sundays.
• Youth: A meeting has been called to review the direction of the CD committee
• When Lennox is at Regional functions, we need a pool of guest speakers.
• In case of a last-minute emergency, we need to have an emergency service prepared.
• Lennox is planning pastoral visits.
• We are creating a flyer with general information regarding Wesley (information sheet with all our activities is in motion
• Prayer Circle could be an extension of Bible Study
• We need to look at a strategic plan starting in 2024 – 2027. We might need a day of coming together to increase our growth numerically and spiritually. Hugh knows someone who leads these type of events and will contact her
Unfinished Business:
1. Flooding in lower level
•See discussion above.
2. Community Garden
• Carol Sernasie will contact Leanne with items she has been given from Christine.
• Leanne has 2 names as volunteers.
3. Letter to city council
• Rev. Lennox now has a list of the various ministers and will be meeting with some of them next week.
New Business:
1. Zoom meetings
• Joan suggested that in the winter, we may look at Zoom meetings.
2. Suggestion Box
• Tom suggested that Committees can determine what to do about them, they don’t need to come to council.
3. Church photo directory
• Lennox suggested that we do that on an anniversary year. We will revisit this in the new year.
Chairperson’s Remarks:
I will take highlights from each committee report along with decisions made at council and submit it to What’s Up Wesley so the congregation can be informed about what is happening in the church. I will send a copy to each member of council for discussion but will take no reply or correction by Thursday evening as acceptance.
Roundtable Discussion:
• All committee reports have been uploaded onto the Website. https://www.wesleyunitedchurch.org/report/
• W&M – Covenanting Service Nov. 12 afternoon to welcome Reverend Lennox.
• Rev. Christina – Discuss hanging a picture in parlour?
• Kathy re: Memorial committee. No smoking signs on the benches aren’t being seen. Del is asked to remind the Cribbage League that there is no smoking within 30 feet of the church.
• M&P and CD need more committee members.
• Hold an informational town hall meeting to let the congregation know what’s going on.
• Wendy suggested a new section in What’s up? called Did you know? Each committee fills in information.
• Website: could we share all the general highlights on our website? Will ask Dave if this is viable especially for Finance.
Closing Prayer: Bev Cutler
Adjournment: 9:20 pm
Moved by: Hugh Graham Seconded by: Shelley Gault
Carried Yes
Next Meeting: November 21, 2023
Date: October 17, 2023
Chairperson:________________________________________ Joan Simpson
Secretary:__________________________________________ Marilyn Daniels