Nov. 21, 2023


Call to order: 7:05 pm

Present: Bev Cutler (Christian Development), Marilyn Daniels (Secretary), Heather Denonourt (M&P), Hugh Graham (Nominations), Sybil Marsh (Archives), Dave Reed, (Treasurer), Wendy Reed (WOW, M&O), Lennox Scarlett (Minister), Carol Sernasie (Member at Large), Joan Simpson (Chair), Tom Wilkinson (Worship & Music), Doug Willford (Regional Council)

Regrets: Del Fraipont (Property), Shelley Gault (Member at Large), Betty Lane (Trustees), Shawn McCart (Fundraising), Kathy Young (Memorial)

Opening Prayer: Rev. Lennox

Approval of Agenda:
Moved by: Hugh Graham Seconded by: Tom Wilkinson Carried

Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Moved by: Hugh Graham Seconded by: Doug Willford Carried

Unfinished Business (Part One): Sybil Marsh discussed the definition of Archival Records and passed out an information sheet to be read by council members who will revisit the issue at the next meeting. Discussion will concern where and how the records should be kept. We will leave this under Unfinished Business for the next meeting.

Item 1 Marilyn Daniels submitted her letter of resignation from the Ministry and Personnel committee. Due to UCC Policy and Guidelines, she is ineligible to serve on this committee as she serves as Council Secretary. This is effective Nov. 2, 2023.

Committee Reports: (Uploaded to the Council section of the website at

Christian Development:
• Rev. Lennox and Bev met Sunday, November 19, 2023 and would like to change the title to “Children & Youth Ministry”.
• Lennox has been sending Avery, the Youth Coordinator, suggestions for her curriculum, but it is not formal via United Church. Lennox will check with the UCC to see if they have a current curriculum.
• No motions were presented by the committee.

• Salaries and budget need approval before Jan. 24, 2024 Motion: That we approve the modified budget (with total outflows of $262,966 and a deficit of $80,541). That Church Council recommends this budget to the congregational finance meeting for their approval. Moved by Dave Reed Seconded by Tom Wilkinson Carried
• To bring to congregation January 7, 2024. Must notify congregation 3 Sundays before our meeting.

Membership & Outreach:
Ministry & Personnel:
Nominating: As we need a treasurer, there may be an option for bookkeeper / treasurer split. We will investigate the cost of a bookkeeper.
Worship & Music: Chair will delete certain wording from website. Board of Trustees:
Treasurer’s Report: A heartfelt thank you to Dave for 16 years of service as treasurer.
Regional Council Rep: Rev. Dr. Lee Claus (retired) to speak re: indigenous community Wampum Treaty – guest minister to be paid.
Men’s Group: breakfast Sunday, Nov 26, 2023, Breakfast Bash – first Sunday (Jan 7, 2024).
Women of Wesley:

Minister’s Report:
• We need a 3-year strategic plan retreat and a visioning how we see ourselves as a church. What is our niche? How do we respond to making our presence in the community? We need to create a way to engage new people and keep them coming back to the church.
• Bea’s sister’s funeral will be December 1st, 2023 at 2:00 pm
• Visitation has begun at WRRV.
• Bible study continues and numbers continue to grow. Currently 8 attend.
• Plans for Vacation Bible school – information has been coming from Oakland/Scotland Church. Need personnel to man stations, materials are being pulled together. Another clergy member has previous involvement with this will be asked for her assistance.
• Letter to city was partly directed to us speaking to officials but we’re not yet at that place as we have not finalized plans.

New Business:
• Church to get ZoomPro subscription $200 / year.
• Christmas Card Campaign – Minister to inform congregation why we need the money.
• Volunteers/committee members – pleas should come via the podium during church service as well as in What’s Up Wesley
• The annual meeting to approve the budget will be held Jan. 7, 2024.

Chairperson’s Remarks: Appreciation for coming.

Closing Prayer: Dave Reed

Adjournment: 9:40 pm
Moved by: Heather Denoncourt Seconded by: Bev Cutler Carried

Next Meeting: TBD

Date: _____________________________________________
Chairperson: ________________________________________ Joan Simpson
Secretary: __________________________________________ Marilyn Daniels