We held an Outreach Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, April 26th. It was very successful. We served over 100 meals for those in attendance and a few pre-orders. We raised $1,385 from the proceeds for Hospice Niagara Welland – along with over 20 meals and extra food was given to the Hope Centre. Both groups were extremely pleased and very grateful.
The Hawaiian Senior’s Group help on May 9th with 25 in attendance was very successful and fun was had by all. Our next one will be on Thursday, June 13th. There will be no Senior’s Group in July and August but will resume in Sept.
We are heading up the Congregational picnic on Sunday June 9th. There will be a sign up sheet out next Sunday for those wishing to join in and provide a salad or dessert if possible. The men are cooking hot dogs and there will be ice cream for dessert. A good will basket will be out to help defray the cost. Bev is to let us know if the Scouts can put up their tent for us. Games will be provided for all ages. Maddox and Avery will let us know if they can help.
We will be having a Food and Personal Care Drive in Sept.
Payment for the Broadview Magazine subscriptions are now required for those wishing them.
Our next meeting is on Monday, May 27th.
Respectfully submitted by Wendy Reed