Christian Development

We met on April 23rd with discussion about Youth Events on Saturday evenings which have been productive. Antonette wrote in minutes they have attracted “a diverse range of new people, mainly from Niagara College, enriching our discussions and activities.”

The puppetry will participate in the Day of Fellowship in June. They will do a performance of the act at Wesley United Church two Sundays before.


  • only a few members have signed up as help to participate in VBS, Avery and Maddix will not be available to participate in VBS in July or August
  • Pastor Lennox has been in conversation with an external group directed by Ms, Victoria McDonald who is willing to train volunteers from Wesley United Church and to run the program in July (8th to the 12th)
  • Promotional flyers will be created by using templates from Victoria McDonald

Scouts BPSA:

  • Scout leader Monique represented the Scouts and shared some activities they would participate in.
  • They would be making burritos at the next meeting.
  • The plan to go fishing will be postponed as Scout Leader Bob is dealing with a serious illness.

Avery reported that the new curriculum is in place and has improved the quality of the classes. She reported to us that an inappropriate drawing was hidden in the craft room under papers. An older child had to have drawn it. Scouter Monique will do some investigations to find out if it is one of the scouts.

We discussed a suggestion that was brought to our attention about young people and young adults to be allowed to meet in one of the rooms downstairs to get to know each other.

Pastor Lennox believes it would suit young adults to conduct a service on a Sunday.

Our next meeting was planned for May 14th but had to be changed to May 28th.


Respectfully Submitted


Bev Cutler