Wesley United Church serves our neighbours and community by offering a variety of outreach services and programs. We list some of them here. Stayed tuned for more as we grow in our commitment to Outreach.
Breakfast at Holy Trinity
Once a month, the third Thursday, a team from Wesley prepares and distributes breakfasts to those in need through the Breakfast Program at Holy Trinity Church.
Community Seniors’ Group
Held on the second Thursday of the month from 1 to 3 p.m., this free and fun event of games, exercises, art and goodies welcomes all seniors.
Harvest Kitchen
In collaboration with Central United Church, members from Wesley prepare a hot Sunday meal once a month for those in need. Our turn is the first Sunday of the month.
Hope Centre Food Drive
Several times during the year, members of the congregation – and visitors to the church – provide much-needed food donations to the Hope Centre. Monetary donations were also collected.
Hope Centre Lunches
Members of the Wesley congregation donate canned meat and fish to make sandwiches which become part of full lunches delivered to the Hope Centre.
Mitten Christmas Tree
Members of the congregation – and visitors – decorate the Christmas Tree in the lobby with knitted mittens, scarves and hats which are collected and given to Birchway Niagara (formerly Women’s Place).
Outreach Spaghetti Dinner
This year, we served 100 people who contributed generously in the freewill offering. At the end of the night, we had collected $1,300 to be donated to Hospice Niagara for the new Welland hospice!
Personal Care Items Collection
Personal care items are collected during the year and donated to Birchway Niagara (formerly Women’s Place.)
Wesley Community Barbecue
Held the first Saturday of September, this barbecue welcomes everyone back after the summer. Food, drinks and all activities are free. A freewill offering raised more than $600 for Jasper Fire Relief.